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Process Name:
MIO MultiTap Delay (Short)
Short (1024 sample) MultiTap Delay
Process Types:
Delay, Building Blocks
MIO MultiTap Delay (Short) implements a multi-tapped delay line. The total delay line length in this implementation is 21 milliseconds (1024 samples). Each delay tap is independent from the other taps, and provides controls to set the tap delay, gain level and polartity invert. Each tap can be enabled and disabled independently as well.

The delayed signal for each tap is available on dedicated outputs for further processing. The contributions of each tap are also summed together and the summed signal is available on the last output of the processing block.

The MIO MultiTap Delay (Short) is appropriate for creating the initial delays for a reverb algorithm. It can also be used to create multiple delayed copies of a signal. This second application can be used in a musical context or could be used to create multiple time-aligned feeds for a distributed sound reproduction system (e.g. a PA with multiple fill zones).

Tap 01 Enable {Off, On}
Enable the tap. When enabled, the tap generates output from on its dedicated output port and contributes to the summed output.

Tap 01 Delay(samp) [0, 1.023k] samps
Sets the delay, in samples, between the input and output of this tap.

Tap 01 Gain [-160, 10] dB
Sets the gain of the delayed signal.

Tap 01 Invert {Off, On}
When enabled, inverts the delayed signal relative to the input polarity.

Tap 03 Enable {Off, On}
Enable the tap. When enabled, the tap generates output from on its dedicated output port and contributes to the summed output.

Tap 03 Delay(samp) [0, 1.023k] samps
Sets the delay, in samples, between the input and output of this tap.

Tap 03 Gain [-160, 10] dB
Sets the gain of the delayed signal.

Tap 03 Invert {Off, On}
When enabled, inverts the delayed signal relative to the input polarity.

Tap 05 Enable {Off, On}
Enable the tap. When enabled, the tap generates output from on its dedicated output port and contributes to the summed output.

Tap 05 Delay(samp) [0, 1.023k] samps
Sets the delay, in samples, between the input and output of this tap.

Tap 05 Gain [-160, 10] dB
Sets the gain of the delayed signal.

Tap 05 Invert {Off, On}
When enabled, inverts the delayed signal relative to the input polarity.

Tap 07 Enable {Off, On}
Enable the tap. When enabled, the tap generates output from on its dedicated output port and contributes to the summed output.

Tap 07 Delay(samp) [0, 1.023k] samps
Sets the delay, in samples, between the input and output of this tap.

Tap 07 Gain [-160, 10] dB
Sets the gain of the delayed signal.

Tap 07 Invert {Off, On}
When enabled, inverts the delayed signal relative to the input polarity.

Master Bypass {On, Off}

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