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Process Name:
Mid/Side Processor
Process Types:
Spatial, Building Blocks
MIO M/S is a flexible Mid/Side channel processor. It can be used to decode material that was previously encoded as Mid/Side. It can also be used to encode a left/right stereo field into a mid/side signal. In addition to being used to encode or decode existing signals, it you also use two instances of MIO M/S to build a transcoding signal chain in the +DSP graph.

Since you have access to the individual Mid and Side signals after encoding, you can insert additional processing blocks between the encoder and the decoder, including EQ, delay, compression and limiting. This allows you to build signal chains that alter the overall size, nature and depth of the stereo field.

Enable {Off, On}
When engaged, enables all the processing of the module.

Mid Invert {Off, On}
When enabled, inverts the 1st input channel before processing.

Side Invert {Off, On}
When enabled, inverts the 2nd input channel before processing.

Mode {Decode (Constant Amplitude), Decode (Constant Power), Encode (Constant Amplitude), Encode (Constant Power), LR->MS->LR}
Selects the processing mode.
Decode (Constant Amplitude)
Makes input 1 be the Mid Channel and input 2 be the Side Channel. In this mode, the processor decodes the M/S input to Left and Right outputs, keeping the total amplitude constant.
Decode (Constant Power)
Makes input 1 be the Mid Channel and input 2 be the Side Channel. In this mode, the processor decodes the M/S input to Left and Right outputs, keeping the total power constant (the amplitude increases, and may go over 1).
Encode (Constant Amplitude)
Makes input 1 be the Left Channel and input 2 be the Right Channel. In this mode, the processor encodes the Left and Right inputs to M/S outputs, keeping the total amplitude constant.
Encode (Constant Power)
Makes input 1 be the Left Channel and input 2 be the Right Channel. In this mode, the processor encodes the Left and Right inputs to M/S outputs, keeping the total power constant (the amplitude increases, and may go over 1).
Makes input 1 be the Left Channel and input 2 be the Right Channel. In this mode, the processor encodes the Left and Right inputs to an internal M/S representation,applies the width and rotation transformations in the M/S representation and then decodes the transformed M/S channels back to Left and Right outputs.

Width [0, 1]
Adjusts the width of the transformed field. When this parameter is 0, the ouput will be mono. When this is 1, the full stereo width is represented.

Rotation [-180, 180] °
Rotates the stereo field by the specified angle.

Master Bypass {On, Off}
Bypasses all of the processing.

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