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Module List
Process Name:
HaloVerb for +DSP
HaloVerb for +DSP
Process Types:
HaloVerb for +DSP is a mono to mono reverb that can be used as a send processor or an inline processor. This version of HaloVerb for +DSP is optimized for use on the +DSP processor on unexpanded MIO+DSP units, and will run all sample rates. The +DSP processor will support up to 2 instances of HaloVerb for +DSP (limited by DSP power).
Room Size [65, 99] M
Sets the effective size of the room; can also be thought of as Reverb Time. Larger numbers make the room bigger and the reverb time longer.

Decay [0, 100] %
Sets the damping of the regenerative filters of the room. Larger values roll the high–end off faster.

Reverb dB [-inf, 9.54243] dB
Sets the level of the reverb signal mixed into the output.

Direct dB [-inf, 9.54243] dB
Sets the level of the direct (dry) signal mixed into the output.

Diffusion [0, 1] %
Controls how much diffusion is applied to reverberant field.

PreDelay [0, 45] ms
Sets how much delay (in milliseconds) is applied to the reverb signal before it is mixed in with the dry signal.

Cutoff [20, 20k] Hz
Sets the cutoff frequency (in Hz) of the high-end contouring filter.

HiDamp [-40, 0] dB
Sets the gain (in dB) of the the high-end contouring filter.

Master Bypass {On, Off}
When bypassed, the reverb passes the input through un-touched.

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